Archie Van Buren, BOOM! Studios, Bryce Carlson, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Ed Dukeshire, Indie, Ryan Sook, Vanesa R. Del Rey

Preview: Hit #4

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Bryce Carlson
Penciller: Vanesa R. Del Rey
Colorist: Archie Van Buren
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artist: Ryan Sook
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 18th, 2013

There’s no honor among thieves, and the same goes for crooked cops… Beaten, bloodied, and betrayed in an abandoned junkyard, the end looms near for Slater as Blair reasserts his control over the Hit Squad and exacts his plan to bring Los Angeles to its knees.

Archie Van Buren, BOOM! Studios, Bryce Carlson, Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Ed Dukeshire, Hit, Indie, Ryan Sook, Vanesa R. Del Rey

HIT #2 Review

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Bryce Carlson
Penciller: Vanesa R. Del Rey
Colorist: Archie Van Buren
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artist: Ryan Sook
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 2nd, 2013

At the end of the first issue, Detective Harvey Slater receives the news of the death of his former partner, Ken Collins. In addition to that, he and Bonnie Brae are left with the now deceased Detective McDowell. HIT #2 opens up with some flashbacks to give readers a clearer picture of what happened between Slater and Collins. From there the story opens up and we see how some of the relationships work as well as some story progression.

There are a few things going on in this issue but it never feels overwhelming. Bryce Carlson presents several elements but his pacing keeps the story moving forward. Typically in stories of this nature the leading lady is depicted as being unable to stand on her own. Carlson avoids having the “damsel in distress” by including another segment, similar to the ending of issue #1, showing readers Bonnie is capable of handling business. The only problem I really had with this issue is that an unexpected moment seems somewhat glossed over rather quickly. That could just be an effect of telling a short story.

Vanesa R. Del Rey’s style is reminiscent of old-school pulp comics and it’s a perfect match for this genre. Her characters are distinct. Her panels carry a nice flow from one to the next. Archie Van Buren uses a flatter color palette which helps convey the story well. Teaming Del Rey with Van Buren is like giving readers a time-machine to travel right back to 1950’s Los Angeles. Van Buren gets a bit more involved early on during the flashback with a subtle change in the coloring. I always appreciate that when you’re dealing with multiple time periods. It distinguishes those while allowing the artists a bigger role in the storytelling.

HIT #2 is another quality issue in this tale of crime. While reading this issue, I briefly thought of it as an ongoing. I was quickly reminded this is only a mini and that we’re halfway through it. If you’re a fan of cop stories, crime fiction or just good storytelling, you’ll enjoy this issue.

Score: 4.5/5

Archie Van Buren, BOOM! Studios, Bryce Carlson, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Ed Dukeshire, Hit, Indie, Ryan Sook, Vanesa R. Del Rey

HIT #2 Preview

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Bryce Carlson
Penciller: Vanesa R. Del Rey
Colorist: Archie Van Buren
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Art: Ryan Sook
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 2nd, 2013

The second issue of BOOM! Studios’ hit, HIT, (sorry) is ready to strike. I’ve given the creators much love on Twitter for the first issue and can’t wait to read this one. If you haven’t read HIT #1, it’s never too late. After that, go pick this up tomorrow.

Harvey Slater has fifteen pounds of Baja reefer stashed in the trunk of his car. He’s having sex with his commanding officer’s daughter. There’s a dead cop lying in his living room. And his problems are just getting started…The Hit Squad is coming under fire for their sloppy job on the Infantino hit, and tragedy strikes as those closest to Slater are picked off, one by one…

Archie Van Buren, BOOM! Studios, Bryce Carlson, Comic Books, Comics, Ed Dukeshire, Indie, Vanesa R. Del Rey

BOOM! Studios HIT #1 Sells Out, 2nd Print Coming

You may remember my tweet about temporarily avoiding the obvious pun with BOOM! Studios’ HIT upon reading the first issue. I hope the comic book gods can forgive me for this, because that time is over. It’s official: HIT #1 is a hit!

The debut series from writer Bryce Carlson and artist Vanessa R. Del Rey sold out of its 10,000 copy print run within a week of its September 4th release. Joining Carlson and Del Rey in presenting this noir tale are colorist Archie Van Burden and letterer Ed Dukeshire.

From the press release:

“We’re thrilled to announce HIT #1 has sold out of its first print,” says BOOM! Studios Editor-in-Chief Matt Gagnon. “HIT is one of the series I’m most proud of this year. It’s always a great feeling when something you believe in is embraced by comic book readers.”

If you missed HIT #1, it’s not too late to jump on. For the download crowd, Comixology always has you covered. If you fancy a print copy, the second print will ship with a new cover by Del Rey on October 2nd alongside issue #2. This is a highly recommended book not only for crime noir fans but for everyone because it’s just a good comic.

BOOM! Studios, Bryce Carlson, Comic Books, Comics, crime, Erik M. Gist, Hit, Indie, noir, Ryan Sook, Vanesa R. Del Rey

BOOM! Studios Lines up A HIT in September

Come September 4th, your wallet may be in the crosshairs of Los Angeles’ finest thanks to BOOM! Studios’ new crime noir series, HIT. Created & written by Bryce Carlson and illustrated by Vanesa R. Del Rey. This title also marks the debut of both creators. HIT will be covered by Ryan Sook (right) and will feature incentive variant #1 by Erik M. Gist (seen below).

Carlson and Del Rey take us back to Los Angeles in 1955. The story centers around L.A.P.D. detectives who also operate as hitmen taking out the scum of the city. I haven’t read many comics from the genre, but the premise reminds me of films such L.A. Confidential, The Untouchables and Gangster Squad. All of which had me hooked.

From the press release:

WHY WE LOVE IT: We’re suckers for classic film noir, crime comics, and pulp detective novels. We love the secret history of law enforcement in our hometown, Los Angeles. Mostly, we love stories about good men making hard decisions in unforgiving circumstances.

WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: HIT is a dark crime drama filled with murderers, rapists, and drug lords…and the men who will stop at nothing to bring them to justice. If you’re a fan of CRIMINAL, PARKER, and TUMOR, then HIT is the series for you.

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Los Angeles. It’s 1955. It’s dark; it’s sexy. It’s dangerous. Everyone has an angle. And while infamous gangster Mickey Cohen rots in a prison cell, Los Angeles ignores the blackest parts of the city’s heart…where clandestine groups of LAPD detectives moonlight as sanctioned hitmen knows as “Hit Squads.”

Here’s a page by Del Rey taken from the series’ Facebook account. You can view more of her work on both of her blogs, located on Blogger and Tumblr.

From the bit I’ve seen of Del Rey’s art for this book and in general, her style fits the book. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her pages revealed leading up to the book’s release.

HIT #1 will be available September 4th for $3.99. Use Diamond order code JUL130912.
