Gaming, Microsoft, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games, Wii U, Xbox, Xbox One

Thoughts About Xbox One’s "Special" Price

On Wednesday, January 14th, Microsoft announced that beginning last Friday, the Xbox One will be available at a “special price” of $349. This “promotion” comes less than two weeks after the price of the console returned to $399. For the uninitiated, Microsoft dropped the price of the Xbox One to $349 during the holidays. They were clear in stating this was temporary and would end on January 3rd.

There was speculation during the holiday season about whether this would actually end. Along with many others, I surely thought the price change would stick. Then we changed our calendars and realized we were wrong. The holiday price drop could’ve just been to entice buyers to pick up an Xbox One during the increased shopping season. It also could’ve been a move in the ongoing “console war” with the PlayStation 4 and Wii U. A war in which Microsoft has not been faring so well. It’d be hard for even them to deny how rough the Xbox One launched. Gamers knew it. Game journalists knew it. And you better believe Sony and Nintendo knew it. Sony’s clearly had a strong lead since the PS4 hit shelves. And even before that, if you take into account those early pre-orders. And despite Nintendo’s odd place and marketing decisions, you can’t discount the Wii U and their handhelds (in all their variations).

As expected, this move led to strong holiday sales and Microsoft made up some ground in what’s hopefully a long race. So one has to wonder why they would have even considered reverting to $399. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that a lower price would contribute to more console sales and more dollars thus making up for previous losses. My degrees aren’t in sales, so this is all an outsider’s perspective.

Currently, you should be able to find the standard Xbox One and two bundles in stores and online. There’s the Assassin’s Creed: Unity bundle which also includes Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. The other includes the Master Chief Collection. It should be noted the Assassin’s Creed bundle includes tokens for digital copies of those games. That’s likely more relevant for people, such as myself, who enjoy having physical copies to add to their shelves.

As stated, it’s still unknown whether this will be the permanent price for the Xbox One or if there will be an expiration date. I would bet it’s the permanent price going forward. So what do you think about Microsoft’s newest “promotion?” If you’ve been considering picking up an Xbox One, is this price change the nudge you needed to do so? Sound off in the comments.

Comic Books, Comics, creator-owned, Heaven, Image Comics, Image Expo, Indie, Monstress, Paper Girls, Pretty Deadly, Run Love Kill, Spawn, Tadaima, We Stand On Guard

Image Expo 2015 Highlights

Although Mother Nature is clearly intent on snowing people in, the comic industry refuses to let that stop the fun and we are all grateful. Thursday marked the return of Image Comics’ annual event, Image Expo. For this event, the publisher gathers its staff and numerous creators to showcase some of what’s on deck for the upcoming year. The new comic announcements are easily the best part of the show. Those new titles always cause a spike in Twitter activity. Those surprises from fan-favorite writers and artists have readers pledging future paychecks for what are sure to be fun comics. And judging by Twitter, this year didn’t disappoint. Now that the dust has settled and fans will be dreaming of all the fantastic stories they’ll see throughout the year, I want to share some highlights.

I have to start with Spawn, the company’s longest running series. This is a book I read as a kid and read currently. Image announced the new writer, Paul Jenkins, beginning with the monumental Spawn #250. That’s 250 issues! How awesome is that? The storyteller joining him will be artist Jonboy Meyers. More news for Spawn is the series’ digital debut with Spawn: Resurrection #1.

One of my favorite writers, Kelly Sue DeConnick, and artist Emma Rios, take readers back to their fantasy western, Pretty Deadly, in September. I’m still all in.

In this second story arc of PRETTY DEADLY, the mantle of Death has fallen to a little girl, Sissy, who, along with her tattered band of reapers, is tasked with gathering souls whose time has come, or come and passed. An old woman has a dying request. Her son has been missing for more than a year, gone east, and from there to fight in the trenches overseas. She wants to see the boy one last time before she passes. And so Deathface Ginny is dispatched through clouds of mustard gas to find the young man, but between her and her quarry, atop bitter black mount of twenty hands, sits the Reaper of War himself.

DeConnick is an amazing writer and what Rios has done with Pretty Deadly visually is impressive. I hadn’t seen much of her work prior to this book, but she’s quite the storyteller.

As for debuts from the event, there are several gems of which you should note. This first one comes from writer Marjorie Liu and artist Sana Takeda. It’s called MONSTRESS and it’s a fantasy series taking place in an alternate 1900s Asia. Besides just being an interesting concept, this title has my attention because I’ve wondered for years if Liu would take her talents to the creator-owned world. Take a look at the synopsis below pulled from Image’s website.

In MONSTRESS, readers are transported into the early 1900s, where immense Leviathans roam the Earth, wielding unimaginable powers that many have long desired to exploit. When a teenage girl with a mysterious past forms a tenuous psychic bond with the most dangerous of all the Leviathans, she becomes the target of both human and otherworldly authorities who will stop at nothing to possess her—to control her, and control the Lord of the all the Leviathans. What they don’t count on is the courage of the girl herself—and the fact that she is slowly becoming more than human…

Eric Canete, Jonathan Tsuei and Leonardo Olea will bring some sci-fi action in the series RUN LOVE KILL. This will also feature CGI build models for the covers by Manu Fernandez.

The story follows a wanted woman in hiding named Rain Oshiro. The narrative style will prominently feature two very different but significantly connected moments throughout her life: “The Past”—which will explore her history as an impressionable student, an abiding soldier, and a wanted fugitive; and “The Present”—which will show her as she is now and how she copes with (and runs away from) the decisions made in her past. At its core, the story is an exploration of choices—both good and bad. And now, how her choices have formed her into the person she has and will become. Set against a background of a futuristic world as only artist Canete can imagine, Rain has just 24 hours to escape a barricaded city while trying to evade a military force determined to either capture or kill her.

The creators said the series contains running, killing and…dinosaurs. Of the words mentioned from the title, “love” was not. Well, allow me to add it in: comic fans LOVE running & killing (preferably at the same time) and dinosaurs. That’s certainly a recipe for comics’ unique brand of awesomeness.

From Brian K. Vauhan and Cliff Chiang comes PAPER GIRLS. Vaughan, co-creator of the hit series Saga, and Chiang, fresh off his recent Wonder Woman run, reunite for this new series. And although we have few details, this creative pairing has certainly piqued the interests of many comic readers.

PAPER GIRLS is the story of four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls who experience something extraordinary one day…

Having not revealed much else about the book, Vaughan said he and Chiang like to keep surprises. Well, this won’t come as a surprise: I’ll be reading it. Sign me up.

Another interesting title is Vaughan and artist Steve Skroce’s mini-series WE STAND ON GUARD, a military thriller about Canadian freedom fighters standing up against a technologically superior United States. Then there’s James Robinson and Philip Tan’s HEAVEN, which apparently is centered around a war between humans and God. Writer and artist Emi Lenox will look to take readers on a personal journey about a trip she took to Japan in her watercolor graphic novel TADAIMA. With the interest in Japanese history and culture I have, I may also keep an eye on this one. These are just a few of the books Image had to show off. This is going to be another big year for comics and the indie publisher. Especially as they look to take an even bigger piece of the comic market pie.

Going back over my main highlights, beyond sharing intriguing concepts, they have another aspect in common: they all feature leading ladies. Cheers for a little diversity and a small shift from white, male leads. Image dropped a ton of fun comic news on fans with all of this. They’re doing great things with creators and creativity. The freedom they provide for creators to create and the absolute madness (by madness I mean amazing storytelling) that ensues is what comics are about. Image exemplifies that. As I always say: there are comics for EVERYONE. Image easily has books for every reading taste. It’s a great time to be a comic fan.

So, which titles have you ready to contribute to Image’s constantly growing share in the marketplace? Let me know in the comments. For more on the publisher and the news of the day, head over to Image Comics.

Action Figures, Dante, Devil May Cry, NECA Toys, Toy Talk, Toy Tease, Toys, Video Games

Toy Tease: NECA Toys’ Devil May Cry ULTIMATE DANTE

While my Twitter timelines were blowing up with the usual internet shenanigans, a tweet from NECA Toys immediately caught my eye. From Capcom’s hit action video games series Devil May Cry comes Dante. Take a look at the series’ protagonist below, gloriously clad in red.

From NECA’s website:

Seven years in the making, this long-awaited action figure is the definitive version of the original Dante, the one who started it all.

The half-demon demon hunter from Devil May Cry stands nearly 7″ tall, with over 35 points of articulation. Dante is extra-detailed, down to his trademark trench coat, which features a dynamic, wind-shaped sculpt. The figure is loaded with accessories, including Ebony and Ivory pistols with removable muzzle bursts, Dante’s sword Alastor, shotgun, and interchangeable hands.

Comes in deluxe window box packaging with opening flap that recreates the look of the original video game box. Limited edition — one production run only!

No denying it, Dante looks slick. For collectors and/or gamers only familiar with the recent entry in the series, DmC: Devil May Cry, Dante’s look might throw you off. This is Dante’s original look for the first four games in the series. Complete with that cool sword. As a sword lover, you can expect to see pictures of him in my display wielding it in full badass mode. Also, being such a fan of the color blue, I’m curious how he’d look with a royal blue coat of paint with the same style of paint wash.

NECA Toys is known for their high quality collectibles and this one looks to keep that trend going. NECA is no stranger to video games. Over the years, they’ve consistently (to our bank accounts’ displeasure) provided collectors with representations of some of video games’ finest characters under their Player Select banner. Some of those have been delivered in full ongoing lines, such as the amazing Gears of War series, or singular figures, e.g. Raziel from Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver.

According to their site, we can except Dante to be available in March. For more images of the legendary demon hunter and information on the toy maker, head over to NECA Toys.

What do you think of Dante? Is there a place for him in your collection? Sound off below.

Black Comics, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Concrete Park, Dark Horse Comics, Erika Alexander, Indie, Tony Puryear


Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Erika Alexander, Tony Puryear
Artist: Tony Puryear
Colorist: Tony Puryear
Letterer: Tony Puryear
Cover Artist: Tony Puryear
Cover Price: $3.99
Page Count: 32 pages
Release Date: September 3rd, 2014

A troubled young outcast from Earth awakens on a distant desert planet that’s gripped by gang war. Will the exiles of Scare City destroy each other or create something surprising, beautiful, and new? Concrete Park returns with volume 2’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T arc—a sexy sci-fi saga by Tony Puryear (Eraser) and Erika Alexander!

* Blockbuster screenwriter Tony Puryear cowrites and draws!

“The swagger of the characters and their surroundings just burst off of the page.”—Read about Comics

“Every time I think I know what is going on in Concrete Park, [it] throws me for a loop. I have to read more.”—Comics Bulletin

Brennan Wagner, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Grendel vs The Shadow, Indie, Matt Wagner, Michael Heisler


Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Matt Wagner
Artist: Matt Wagner
Colorist: Brennan Wagner
Letterer: Michael Heisler
Cover Artist: Matt Wagner, Brennan Wagner
Cover Price: $5.99
Page Count: 48 pages
Release Date: September 3rd, 2014

Sparks fly and bullets blaze when the original Grendel, Hunter Rose, is transported to 1930s New York and faces off with the original dark-night avenger, the Shadow! Two pulp-noir icons go head to head in this three-issue prestige-format series written and drawn by legendary Grendel creator Matt Wagner.

* A great starting point for new Grendel and The Shadow readers!

* Matt Wagner continues his fan-favorite character—Grendel!

Antonio Fuso, Arash Amel, Archaia Entertainment, BOOM! Studios, Butterfly, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Indie, Marguerite Bennett

Archaia’s BUTTERFLY Explores Spies, the Family Business

August 25, 2014 (Los Angeles, Calif.) – There’s nothing like a good spy thriller that explores deeply flawed and morally complex characters. Archaia, an imprint of award-winning publisher BOOM! Studios, is pleased to announce the September debut of Butterfly, a new four-issue series that explores the true nature of people who devote themselves to covert ops and the solitude, deceit, and violence that comes with that life. Screenwriter Arash Amel (Grace of Monaco, Erased), writer Marguerite Bennett (Sleepy Hollow, Batgirl), and artist Antonio Fuso (G.I. Joe: Cobra) explore the espionage genre and the complexity of family drama within a web of global conspiracy.

“Butterfly lands right in our sweet spot as a publisher,” said BOOM! Studios Editor-in-Chief Matt Gagnon. “The spy genre has always been a favorite of ours and this series stands out as a highlight amongst our work in that field. With Butterfly, we take a look at a father and daughter who are completely estranged due to the toll of the spy lifestyle. What I love most about this series is that Arash and Marguerite have managed to tell a patient story deeply rooted in character and still maintain the intense action of a spy thriller. While reading the first issue some of their small touches reminded of what I love about the work of John le Carré, J.J. Abrams’ Alias, and the Bourne franchise. Antonio Fuso’s stark and stylized art is an incredible compliment to a very promising series.”

WHY WE LOVE IT: We’ve all spent hours glued to episodes of shows like True Detective and House of Cards that explore deeply flawed and morally complex characters. In BUTTERFLY, screenwriter Arash Amel (Grace of Monaco, Erased) brings that aesthetic to comics and the espionage genre, exploring the true nature of people who devote their lives to covert ops and the deceit, solitude, and violence that comes with it.

WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: Marguerite Bennett has been making a name for herself with her work on Lois Lane, Batgirl, and Earth 2: World’s End and we can’t wait for fans to see how she explores the dark world of spycraft. There’s no one better in the espionage genre than Antonio Fuso, the artist behind the critically acclaimed run of GI Joe: Cobra. It’s the perfect creative team for a morally complex story of violence and family set in the web of a global conspiracy.

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Butterfly is one of Project Delta’s deep cover agents, no birth certificate, no social security number, a complete ghost. When her cover is blown and she is set up for a murder she did not commit, she is unknowingly led to her father’s doorstep, a man she thought died 20 years ago. Codenamed Nightingale, her father was once a member of the very same Project Delta, a spy in the violent aftermath of the Cold War, and believes they are behind her setup. Trained to trust nothing and no one, Butterfly must decide whether to seek answers with the Project, or believe the man who betrayed her years ago.

Archaia’s Butterfly #1 arrives in comic shops on September 24th with a cover price of $3.99 under Diamond order code JUL140987. The issue ships with a card-stock cover by Phil Noto (Black Widow). Not sure where to find your nearest comic retailer? Use or to find one! It’s also available for order directly from

CBL’s take: Spy stories have always intrigued me. I’ve tried to add more spy comics to my collection, so when I come across them, I at least check them out. I saw the solicit for Butterfly in Previews and added it to my already lengthy order without hesitation. I’m looking forward to reading it based on the concept alone. I’m also curious to see what Antonio Fuso brings to it as I’ve seen his previous work on G.I. Joe: Cobra.

Action Lab Entertainment, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, DeWayne Feenstra, Indie, Jerry Gaylord, Midnight Tiger, Paul John Little, Ray-Anthony Height


Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment
Writer: DeWayne Feenstra, Ray-Anthony Height
Artist: Ray-Anthony Height
Colorist: Paul John Little
Cover Artist: Ray-Anthony Height, Jerry Gaylord (Variant)
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 13th, 2014

Having lost all hope in the heroes of his world, fate steps in and gives young Gavin Shaw the power to do the things they have not. Only as the teenage hero Midnight Tiger does his city have a chance at redemption. Retailer incentive cover by Jerry Gaylord!

Action Figures, Avengers Infinite Series, Comic Con, Hasbro, Marvel 3.75, Marvel Legends, Marvel Legends Infinite Series, Marvel Universe, San Diego Comic Con, SDCC, Toys

SDCC 2014 Hasbro Marvel Highlights

Now that San Diego Comic Con is over, it’s time to pick out some of the best news from the convention. Though I wasn’t in attendance, I was glued to my Twitter feed catching updates as they poured in. The next best thing to actually being at a convention is connecting with friends and strangers on social media to circulate news.

As a huge action figure collector, I tried to catch all the news I could from the usual suspects. Judging by everything shown, it’s easy to see how hyped collectors likely were. But none stood out more than Hasbro’s Marvel Legends and Avengers Infinite Series (3.75”) figures. I’m still unsure of what the new name is for the 3.75” line, formerly known as Marvel Universe. It’s either Avengers Infinite Series or Marvel Infinite Series. I was thrilled to see some of the characters that will get the action figure treatment come 2015 and beyond. The Marvel Legends line will produce an Avengers series as well as a Spider-Man set. Here are my highlights from Hasbro’s Marvel display.

Avengers Infinite Series (3.75”)

Beast (‘90s)
Oh my stars and garters, mutant lovers and toy collectors, Beast from the ‘90s is finally here. This isn’t the first Beast figure Hasbro has produced for this line but it’s the first in this costume. He appears a little slimmer than you’d expect but come on, it’s Beast. Of course you want him.

Bishop (‘90s)
I must admit being surprised to see Bishop on display. He’ll definitely have a good home here though. One aspect of his design I can already see limiting rests in his legs. For those familiar, he appears to share the legs with earlier figures such as Moon Knight and Mr. Fantastic. Still, it’s great to have another X-Man and Black action figure.

Black Cat
Black Cat isn’t a character I’d have given much priority for this line. But she’s a welcome addition in a line with few women figures, one of which being Mary Jane. I expect to see a lot of dioramas featuring Black Cat and the web-slinger once she’s released.

Though Sandman doesn’t make my top-5 in Spider-Man’s rogues gallery, the character is cool enough and I like his powers. Collectors have been treated quite well in terms of Spidey villains and this figure adds to that. He’ll also have a variant which depicts him in fully covered in sand.

Spider-Man (Big Time costume)
The Big Time costume now comes in 3.75” scale to match its Marvel Legends counterpart. Though it didn’t see long-term use, it does look good. Now all we need is another Hobgoblin figure, this time matching the design of Phil Urich’s costume.

Speaking of Hobgoblin…

Marvel Legends Infinite Series

When I saw Humberto Ramos’ newly designed Hobgoblin in Amazing Spider-Man #649, I was ecstatic. After reading it, I flipped back and forth through the issue to take in the visuals. It’s a fantastic design. So you can imagine the grin on my face when I saw this figure. My initial joy waned when I discovered he’ll be a Build-A-Figure constructed by pieces paired up with several figures, some of which have yet to be revealed. I would’ve liked to see more scales across his top to match his comic look more but I’m still more than pleased.

Scarlet Witch
I’m not particularly invested in Scarlet Witch’s character but I don’t have any problems with her. Well, except for that whole “No more mutants” episode. I do acknowledge and appreciate her place within the Marvel Universe and she makes for some decent action figures.

Captain Marvel
As a proud member of the Carol Corps, I couldn’t contain my excitement upon spotting Captain Marvel on Instagram. My love for the character has grown in recent years and I’ve been a big supporter of her books. Seeing this figure (with interchangeable heads!) geeked me up more than I can describe.

Ms. Marvel & Radioactive Man
These two figures will be packed with yet another Captain America. This one is a repaint of the previous Ultimate Captain America. But he’s nowhere near as important as Ms. Marvel and Radioactive Man. I’ve wanted a good Ms. Marvel figure for some time and while we’ll have Carol in her Captain Marvel costume, her previous one is still worth picking up. Seeing Radioactive Man yields some hope that he won’t be in action figure limbo for too much longer after being revealed last year. Also, I just want more villains in my collections of both scales. Initially I thought, and still do to a degree, that it was odd for these figures to be packed together. But as an Avengers vs. Avengers baddie pack, it has extra appeal.

Hawkeye (classic costume)
Another figure we’ve seen before only to be hidden away by Hasbro is Hawkeye in his classic costume. He was originally set for release as part of Hasbro’s train wreck of a variant program in 2013. This entailed figures being swapped in for others during production as “running changes.” I’m not exactly sure how well it worked. All I know is there are plenty of characters sitting in a Hasbro prison waiting to be freed. The only Hawkeye to hit the market featured his modern costume. So let’s hope this one sees release as I’ve held a spot for him in my collection.

What did you think of the toys shown at Comic Con? Which figures stood out to you? What toys disappointed you? Were there any you expected to see that weren’t shown? Sound off below.

*All photos courtesy of You can find more images on their site here, here and here.

BOOM! Studios, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Dan Mora, Ed Dukeshire, Emma Rios, Gabriel Cassata, Hexed, Indie, Michael Alan Nelson

Preview: HEXED #1

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Michael Alan Nelson
Artist: Dan Mora
Colors: Gabriel Cassata
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artist: Emma Rios, Dan Mora (Variant)
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 13th, 2014

WHY WE LOVE IT: Besides being one of our favorite writers, Michael Alan Nelson is one of the industry’s preeminent voices in horror, and we couldn’t be happier to be bringing back his fan-favorite creation HEXED for another dive into the depths of the Aether with an ongoing series!

WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: Lucifer is the perfect mash-up of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft. Plus, HEXED was Pretty Deadly and Amazing Spider-Man superstar Emma Rios’ introduction to the American comics scene back in 2008, and new series artist Dan Mora is poised to continue the trend with his lyrical, horrific, and wholly unique take on Lucifer.

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Luci Jennifer Inacio Das Neves (most people just call her “Lucifer”) is a supernatural thief-for-hire, stealing wondrous objects from the dark denizens of the netherworld for her mentor/mother figure, Val Brisendine. But when Lucifer accidentally unleashes a terrible evil from one of the paintings hanging in Val’s art gallery, will any of the tricks up her sleeve be enough to stop it?

Adam Freeman, Afua Richardson, Black Comics, Comic Previews, Genius, Image Comics, Indie, Marc Bernardin, Top Cow Productions

Preview: GENIUS #2

Publisher: Top Cow Productions/Image Comics
Writer: Marc Bernardin, Adam Freeman
Artist: Afua Richardson
Letterer: Troy Peteri
Cover Artist: Afua Richardson
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 13th, 2014

What if the greatest military mind of our generation was born to a people who are already supremely conditioned to wage war, who know nothing but violence since birth, and must continually adapt to new predators in order to survive? What if the second coming of Alexander the Great, of Genghis Khan, of Napoleon, of Patton…what if it was a teenaged girl from South Central, L.A. named Destiny? And what if she decides to secede three blocks of the ‘Hood from the Union? Who is going to take it back from her and her army of gangbangers? Who CAN?
