Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Greg Rucka, Indie, Nate Piekos, Toni Fejzula, Veil

Veil #1 Review

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Greg Rucka
Penciller: Toni Fejzula
Letterer: Nate Piekos
Cover Artist: Toni Fejzula
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date: March 5th, 2014

Veil #1 comes to us from the minds of Greg Rucka and Toni Fejzula. Before even opening the book, we get a glimpse of what Fejzula offers with a cover that commands your attention. It features the character, Veil, surrounded by creepy rats with red eyes. This first issue introduces readers to her as she awakens on subway tracks surrounded by the aforementioned rats. From there we follow the adventure of someone with seemingly no memory of her identity.

Rucka is a creator who’s frequently been commended for how he writes women in comics. Here, he addresses some social issues, which he also expounds upon in a letter at the end of the book. When a woman appears naked on the streets of a populated city, trouble can occur. It develops in a fashion likely unseen before. It is here where she comes into contact with characters she’ll interact with for the remainder of the book.

Veil has a particular speech pattern, which may be odd to some readers initially. With that, Rucka doesn’t reveal much through her. Instead the story is conveyed visually as she rejoins the world and interacts with other characters. This is where the problems come in. Veil doesn’t express herself verbally. This led to me never feeling attached to her or the other characters. But this is where Fejzula gets to shine. This is particularly true when she displays her strange powers and how she reacts to them.

With the seemingly never-ending debate of “writer vs. artist,” the role of artists is often diminished. That shouldn’t be an issue in the first place, but Fejzula provides more evidence of his artist’s storytelling skills. His style is unique. His characters are expressive. He also employs neat uses of light and shadow. The coloring truly gives the book life.

Veil #1 is an unpredictable comic. I don’t believe that’s rare in any regard, but you really don’t know what to expect as you turn the pages here. It’s bizarre in how Rucka and Fejzula introduce the main character. It’s beautiful in how the narrative unfolds. But I didn’t connect with any of the characters. It was more about the overall story. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’ll be back for the second issue to find out.

Score: 3.5/5

Veil #1 was provided by Dark Horse Comics for review purposes.

Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Greg Rucka, Indie, Toni Fejzula, Veil

PREVIEW: Veil #1

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Toni Fejzula
Cover Artist: Toni Fejzula
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date: March 5th, 2014

A beautiful girl wakes up in an abandoned subway station with no memory of how she got there. When men try to hurt her . . . they wind up dead. Where did she come from? And what is she capable of?
