Action Figures, Evangelion, Figma, Infinite Series, Marvel Legends, Marvel Universe, NECA Toys, Predator, Revoltech, TMNT, Toys, Video

VIDEO: Massive Action Figure Haul

In this second video I show off a huge toy haul. There are action figures from across several lines. This video was the main idea behind expanding to YouTube. Sit back and enjoy the toy show.

Thanks for watching.

Action Figures, Nick, Nickelodeon, Playmates Toys, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Toys

Action Figure Foursome #1: Turtles Named NICK

Welcome to Action Figure Foursome! Here I will put the spotlight on action figures in sets of four. I may briefly review the figures, but it won’t be too extensive. While their connections will vary from entry to entry, you can always count on some cool action figures. Well, that’s unless I decide to do an entry focusing on horrible figures. It could happen.

For this first entry, let’s take a look at the most recent figures I’ve acquired fitting my (limited) criteria. Say hello to the 2012 Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures from Playmates Toys. These figures are tied to the new Nick cartoon marking the resurgence of the Heroes in a Half-Shell. I grabbed these guys from Wally World for $7.77 each. I passed on the other figures because they don’t look good at all.

The biggest issue I have with them is Mikey’s height. I can take him being shorter than the others, but he didn’t have to be that short. I also don’t like how Leo has three katana but they’re all different lengths. So much for twin katana.

Leonardo is my favorite turtle for several reasons, but I’m most fond of Donatello’s figure. I think Donnie’s head-sculpt is the best of the four.

Another issue which can barely be seen here deals with Mikey. His nunchucks don’t fit well on his back to the point where they collect some damage squeezing them in. It would’ve been great if they would have gone with the chain link similar to that of the NECA Mikey figure.

Their weapons are pretty cool because it reminds me of the TMNT toys as a kid that had weapons on a weapon tree. Leo and Raph’s are done in gray while Mikey’s are more orange and Donnie’s are colored in brown.

Overall, they’re pretty nice figures and there is even a new van which could definitely make for some cool playtime. They have pretty good articulation, which is more than we can say for the rest of the line at this point. If you’re in the market for some Ninja Turtle toys, you’ll enjoy these.

Thanks for joining me on this first edition of Action Figure Foursome. Be back for more toy goodness (and other stuff as well of course). I’ll be going through my entire collection and have some interesting team-ups planned. Hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for looking.

Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Dan Duncan, IDW Publishing, Indie, Kevin Eastman, Ronda Pattison, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Tom Waltz

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #9 Review

I jumped onto the new Turtles series around the release of issue 7 or 8. Both of those books earned my Cover of the Week. So the day one of those issues came out, I figured I’d grab it and see how the Turtles have been keeping busy. But of course I couldn’t read it and have an idea of what’s been happening, so I asked a buddy at Lost World of Wonders in Milwaukee, WI to hold onto the first five issues for me. I caught up and was definitely adding the book to my pull-list. But enough of that back-story, let’s talk TMNT #9.

After their battle with the Mousers, the Turtles are masterless as Splinter was taken by Hob. The brothers with Casey and April tagging along head to Stockgen for answers. This book ends with the arrival of the Foot Clan, Karai and Master Shredder.

We get a little action and some story progression. Eastman and Waltz are doing good things with story pacing. Duncan and Pattison are providing some solid visuals. It’s a good book all around.

If you aren’t reading TMNT, you should check it out.

Comic Books, Comics, Dan Duncan, IDW Publishing, Indie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT

Cover of the Week for 2-22-12

Happy New Comic Day! There are quite a few good books dropping today. There was also some decent competition this week for the best cover piece. Some of those are X-Men #25 by Adi Granov and the two Flash #6 covers, one by Francis Manapul and the other done by Mike Choi. They were good, but they couldn’t top Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #7. Check it out and follow along.

Brought to you by Dan Duncan, this cover displays the brothers, weapons out, in attack mode. Behind them is General Krang. I will admit that I missed out on this ongoing and I have yet to add it to my pull-list. I’d like to catch up, so I’ll have to find a trade. To wrap up, I’ll just say…Turtle Power!

What do you think? Let me know. Thanks for looking.
