BOOM! Box, BOOM! Studios, Braden Lamb, Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Indie, John Keogh, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline, Steve Wands, The Midas Flesh

REVIEW: The Midas Flesh #2

Publisher: BOOM! Box
Writer: Ryan North
Artists: Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb
Letterer: Steve Wands
Cover Artist: John Keogh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 22nd, 2014

BOOM! Studios newest imprint, BOOM! Box, is back with their debut title,The Midas Flesh #2. In The Midas Flesh #1, readers were introduced to the crew of the Prospect (consisting of Captain Joey, Fatima a.k.a. Fatty and Cooper), the mystery of the solid-gold Earth and the Federation, the still enigmatic galactic force.

As stated in my first review, give credit to Ryan North for pacing. The issue flows well, especially while depicting different tones at times including plenty of humor. Having done the setup in the first issue, he opens up the characters a bit here. Most of that attention is given to Cooper. North dedicates several pages to revealing an impactful moment in the Utahraptor’s life. Besides developing the character, it adds that other layer to the book in terms of tone.

He expounds on aspects of the first issue while adding to the mix. While we don’t know their full back stories, the Prospect’s crew is a likable group. We have answers to some questions while also being led to other mysteries. Readers are shown numerous elements which beg the question: “what’s next?”

Shellie Paroline and Braden Lamb pick up right where they left off with the first issue. They complement North’s narrative well. Their storytelling skills are well displayed. This is quite evident during Cooper’s flashback sequence. From the crew of the Prospect to members of the Federation, the characters exhibit a wide range of expressions. The segments where Fatima expresses her boredom are memorable. The color palette may be the most noticeable visual. The brighter colors throughout the issue give it an animated look.

The Midas Flesh #2 exactly what you want in an all-ages book. The narrative isn’t too complex for younger readers while not being watered-down to turn older readers away. Combined with the inviting visuals and you have an all-around fun comic standing out among the grittiness of other books.

Score: 4/5

This copy of The Midas Flesh #1 was provided by BOOM! Studios.

BOOM! Box, BOOM! Studios, Braden Lamb, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Indie, John Keogh, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline, Steve Wands, The Midas Flesh

PREVIEW: The Midas Flesh #2

Publisher: BOOM! Box
Writer: Ryan North
Artists: Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb
Letterer: Steve Wands
Cover Artist: John Keogh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 22nd, 2014

Fatty and the crew have arrived at the forgotten planet, Earth to find the source of the power that has transformed the entire place to gold. While they scour the planet in search of a myth, we get to know the crew a bit more and find out exactly why they’re chasing legends in search of a great source of power.

In case you missed it, here’s the review of The Midas Flesh #1.

BOOM! Box, BOOM! Studios, Braden Lamb, Comic Books, Comic Previews, Comics, Indie, John Keogh, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline, Steve Wands, The Midas Flesh

Preview: The Midas Flesh #1

Publisher: BOOM! Box
Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb
Letterer: Steve Wands
Cover Artist: John Keogh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 18th, 2013

WHY WE LOVE IT: We have been having so much fun with writer Ryan North (Dinosaur Comics, To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure) on ADVENTURE TIME that we couldn’t resist the opportunity to publish a new original idea of his. And it is original.

WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: We’ve all heard of The Midas touch. You know, the Greek Mythology about the man who did a number on himself by wishing for everything he touched to turn to gold? Who better to turn that tale on its head with a heavy dose of sci-fi than Ryan North? Also, did we mention the Utahraptor?

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Fatima and her space crew have decided to return to Earth—a planet completely sectioned off, abandoned, and covered in gold—to find out exactly what happened to this once thriving planet and see if they can use that knowledge against the evil empire that’s tracking them down. As luck would have it, they just landed the most powerful weapon in the universe: some ancient dead guy’s body.
