Chuck Hogan, Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Dan Jackson, Dark Horse Comics, David Lapham, Guillermo Del Toro, Indie, Mike Huddleston, The Strain

The Strain #5 Review

Dark Horse’s The Strain returns from hiatus after issue #4. David Lapham, Mike Huddleston, and Dan Jackson continue with their adaptation of Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan’s novels. Read on to find out if you should jump back on board.

Most of Lapham’s tale centers on flashbacks of Abraham’s time at a death camp in Treblinka in 1942. We do see Abe at his current state, but only in the opening and ending of the book. His time at this location is rather insignificant except for his interaction with a rather important figure of the series. If you’re reading this book, I’m sure you can guess quite easily.

The art serves the horror book well. Huddleston and Jackson’s work does well presenting the darker vibe. The use of shadows play a big part in that. Jackson uses very few colors in showing the moments from the war. It’s mostly black and white with a small mix of pale blue. Outside of that, we see some royal blue during some of the night scenes as well as red for the blood and the nazi wristbands.

This series is losing favor with me. Nothing here serves to move this 11 issue series forward. There’s been a lot of build-up to an end which may not deliver. I wouldn’t recommend this issue to anyone just interested in the series. If you’re even slightly interested, I would suggest waiting for the collected edition. But you won’t be missing anything if you skip the story entirely. And I won’t hesitate in saying you can make that a strong option.
