Avenging Spider-Man, Comic Books, Comics, Gabrielle Dell Otto, Marvel Comics

Cover of the Week

Happy (post) New Comic Book Day! The first Wednesday of November was big. Not only did a ton of new books come out (of course), but included in there were several series debuts. I’m curious about a few of them. If you picked up or plan on picking up a #1 this week, let the world know.

Let’s welcome the talented Gabrielle Dell Otto to the winner’s circle for his cover for Avenging Spider-Man #14.

Spider-Man inside a dinosaurs mouth? What is this? Yes, Spider-Man is headed to the Savage Land for all types of prehistoric shenanigans. Here, Spidey is standing on the tongue and holding the mouth open. Can you imagine what’s going through Spidey’s head as he’s a muscle spasm away from being a meal? This dino’s mouth is clearly watering for what could be a cue horrible sticky meal pun nice meal.

Dell Otto also did the interior for this issue. That should be a treat for his fans. I can’t remember the last book he drew besides Secret War.

Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking.

Avenging Spider-Man, Comic Books, Comic Reviews, Comics, Indie, Joe Caramagna, Kathryn Immonen, Marvel Comics, Matt Hollingsworth, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger

Avenging Spider-Man #7 Review

Avenging Spider-Man keeps rolling with a rotating partner and creative team. This month Kathryn and Stuart Immonen team-up with Wade Von Grawbadger, Matt Hollingsworth, and Joe Caramagna to pair Spidey with our favorite gamma powered lawyer, She-Hulk.

First, I’ll say that I don’t know much about She-Hulk. I’ve never had a problem with her, but I’ve never read much of her. But it was nice to see her appear in two books in the same week. My point in saying that was I didn’t know what to expect from her character. I imagined her to be a more laid back type of person. Again, that’s coming from a person with little knowledge of the character. She’s very serious and certainly annoyed by Spider-Man, which honestly isn’t unwarranted.

Second, the story is titled “Wadjetmacallit?!.” I kid you not. Odd, right? Well it definitely fits the story. This issue starts off with our heroes teaming up to take out some sewer creature. How did they happen to team-up? I have no idea. After this they head to an Egyptian exhibit and encounter Bastet, goddess of cats. And of course, there are TONS of cats.

Spidey maintains his usual charm. And of course that means annoying She-Hulk. Stuart Immonen’s visuals are what you’d expect from him. I really don’t have much to say on that front. I do like his She-Hulk though.

I really wouldn’t recommend this book. If you’re a She-Hulk fan, you might like it. I won’t guarantee that though. Seven issues and this is easily the least entertaining of the series.
